Hi traders, we've just released the latest update the LITA Tech : Forex Opportunity Rankings.
The idea behind this update, is to eliminate the need to 'trial and error' different currency combinations to find the ones with the most 'optimal' fundamental outlook.
The rankings are descending, ordered by the number of LITA Technologies agreeing with each other.
Our goal is to make your trading lives a lot more efficient, saving you time and effort that can be dedicated on managing your forex portfolio.
What do you think guys? Yay or Nay?

I am brand new to Lita and I had a helpful first conversation with Marcus the other day - Thank you. The opportunity rankings are a great starting place. Second on the list this week is GBPJPY. I checked that against my usual setup and decided to enter. I thought the COT reading was particularly strong. So far the trade is doing well. I think this addition of fundamentals to my trading and as a starting place for trade ideas will work but great. I'm looking forward to tracking the opportunities and the advances in Lita Technology I was reading about in the Technology thread.
@Marcus Raiyat thanks very much. That is awesome. Even better than I anticipated!! Drilldown is so easy now. Right from the key priorities at the top level. Fantastic update thanks Marcus and team.
Hi @Michael Still We've added the on-click summary when using forex opportunity rankings.
Try it out - version 1 for now, functionality is there, we may update design in future!
This is a definitely useful addition to the LITA Tech which reduces the time needed try pairing different currencies. @Michael Still that pop-up will be awesome.
I have just have one question though, has the tradeable set of FX increased from the 23 pairs used during the Forex Masterclass?
Cool feature, I'll see what can be done Michael
@Marcus Raiyat loving the new dashboard. Just doing my weekly watchlist review now. A new challenges for you should you wish to accept it....!! 😉
Any chance of getting a popup chart to the left as you hover over a symbol like the following???????
No mouse clicks, just a hover over and a pop up of the chart would be amazing. If a hover is not possible then a mouse click would still be amazing. Like the following.
Rumour has it that in 6 months time Logikfx will have done that many updates we won't even need to turn our computers on to be profitable!
Another cracking advancement Marcus. Very exciting indeed. Am I correct in thinking the small circles adjacent are the previous direction showing the trend? 🤓
Looks nice already had something like that going in my excell. Does it also include currency's without COTA?
This is beyond amazing Marcus! The team has really been working hard and provide so much value to the community and we extremely appreciate it! I am honestly very grateful to be a part of this team! This progress has been amazing for just the 3 months I have been apart of the community.