February 2019 Results
Updated: Aug 1, 2020
Weekly update on our Macro Currency Strength Meter potentially profitable trades of week 5th February 2019
Successful Positions Executed by Logikfx $10k trading account (See exact setups below)
All Logikfx trades were taken on a 1% variable risk.
GBP/AUD (LONG): 400 pips gained, 4.00 Risk Reward, +$393
GBP/PLN (LONG): 600 pips gained, 4.00 Risk reward, +$388
GBP/NOK (LONG): 2300 pips gained, 7.60 Risk Reward, +$766
GBP/ZAR (LONG): 4200 pips gained, 5.25 Risk Reward,+$520
Successful forecasts
Summary of potentially profitable forecasts by the macro currency strength meter.
AUD/CNY (SHORT): 1018 pips gained, 7.30 Risk Reward
AUD/HKD (SHORT): 1349 pips gained, 6.46 Risk Reward
ZAR/CNY (SHORT): 129 pips gained, 4.30 Risk Reward
HKD/JPY (LONG): 1139 pips gained, 0.70 Risk Reward
HKD/PLN (LONG): 116 pips gained, 2.55 Risk Reward
PLN/CNY (SHORT): 318 pips gained, 3.49 Risk Reward
SEK/CNY (SHORT): 135 pips gained, 2.76 Risk Reward
SEK/HKD (SHORT): 185 pips gained, 2.81 Risk Reward

Earlier on last week the currency strength meter reading the the Australian dollar (AUD) was - 47 representing extreme weakness for the AUD. On the flip side Great Britain's (GBP) economy was strengthening with a score of + 25. This was a perfect opportunity to long GBP/AUD in the Forex market. Our members were able to catch this position and profit from the exchange rate movement.

Above shows the long position entered on GBP/AUD with a 100 pip stop-loss and 400 pip take-profit. The result being a $393 net profit on the trade for our members.

Entry time: 05/02/2019 - 18:00
Symbol: GBP/AUD
Lot Size: 0.14 lots
Type: Buy
Entry price: 1.78981
Close price: 1.82981

GBP/PLN had a very similar setup, the correlation continued across all the GBP pairs and we were able to identify the majority of profitable positions. The Great british pound (GBP) had a strong quantitative score of +25 as of 05/02/2019 and the Polish zloty (PLN) was weak with a score of -40. Again, our members were able to catch this position and profit from the exchange rate movement.

Above shows the long position entered on GBP/PLN with a 150 pip stop loss and 600 pip take profit. The result being a $388 net profit on the trade.

Entry time: 05/02/2019 - 18:00
Symbol: GBP/PLN
Lot Size: 0.25 lots
Type: Buy
Entry price: 4.88580
Close price: 4.92580

GBP/NOK was also a very good long opportunity. The Great british pound (GBP) had a fairly strong quantitative score of + 25 as of 06/02/2019 and the Norwegian Krone (NOK) was weak with a score of - 30 This was extremely weak for the NOK and a great opportunity to long GBP. Again, our members were able to catch this position and profit from the exchange rate movement.

Above shows the long position entered on GBP/NOK with a 300 pip stop-loss and 2200 pip take-profit. The result being a $766 net profit on the trade.

Entry time: 05/02/2019 - 18:00
Symbol: GBP/NOK
Lot Size: 0.29 lots
Type: Buy
Entry price: 10.98095
Close price: 11.21095

GBP/ZAR followed the correlation of strength vs weakness and a good long opportunity. The Great british pound (GBP) had a strong quantitative score of +25 as of 05/02/2019 and the South African Rand (ZAR) was weak with a score of -25 This was weak for the ZAR and a great opportunity to long GBP. Again, our members were able to catch this position and profit from the exchange rate movement.

Above shows the position entered for GBP/ZAR LONG on 05/02/2019. The position had a 800 pip stop loss due to being an exotic currency and a 4200 pip take profit. The result being a $520 net gain.

Entry time: 05/02/2019 - 18:00
Symbol: GBP/ZAR
Lot Size: 0.17 lots
Type: Buy
Entry price: 17.33399
Close price: 17.75399
Successful forecasts
Summary of potentially profitable forecasts by the Macro Currency Strength Meter.








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